Low Calorie Diet
LOW CALORIE DIET:- so you may have heard this before maybe this concept of restricting calories and living longer.it's been a lot of research in this on animals insects bacteria and yeast an mice that if you actually cut their calories they live longer but that conflicts with all the people that have done low calorie diets in the past it's been proven that the more you diet and you lower your calories you end up gaining the weight back becoming bigger and really struggling to stay on any diet and not only that it destroys your metabolism over time so how could the restriction of calories end up making you healthier and live longer. That's what I want to talk about so a couple things most of the studies out there we're done in animals not humans there have been some studies done on humans using the fasting mimicking diet where you're doing meals that are 500 calories a day there's also a program out there called 5 and 2 okay where you can pretty much eat what...